Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Weigh in!

I lost 3 lbs this week and got my 3rd silver seven! I'm very pleased with that. I've now set my next mini target of getting my next silver seven which is 5lbs away, then I'm going to aim for my 10% which is only another 2.5lbs and then getting in the 18's! So 3 small targets to look forward to in the near future.


  1. Well done for your 3lb loss, especially with you not feeling so great. You could easily get that next silver 7 in two weeks. Go for it! :)

  2. Wooohoo, Well done Shell that's fab. You're next few mini targets are not very far away. You'll soon be reaching them. x

  3. Onwards and downwards I always say! Well done :-)

  4. Well done you, keep up the good work x

  5. Thanks guys :)

    I'm pretty new to this blogging but loving the support! xx
